How To Know If Vanlife Is For You

How To Know If Vanlife Is For You

When I took my first baby steps into the world of alternative living and, in particular, living in a converted van or camper, it was tough trying to navigate all the information out there to even know where to begin, let alone discover if this exciting way of living was for me.

Let’s face it, the internet is a wonderful place for sharing information and experiences, but it can be pretty overwhelming when navigating a significant new life change!

Welcome to your new life!

You’re forever hearing about adventures beyond your wildest dreams, opening your front door to majestic mountain views for breakfast and seeing all the romantic Instagram posts of van dwellers living incredible, limitless lives… and, oh, what you wouldn’t give to be in their shoes.

This is all well and good, and vanlife will certainly have its fair share of these moments that make you feel so deeply alive and connected with both other people and the world around you in a way that most mainstream lifestyles aren’t as likely to bring to the table. But there’s so much more to this lifestyle than the reel-worthy moments and other people’s life highlights (this is, of course, not just applicable to vanlife, as no one wants to share the monotonous moments, ‘failures’ and slip ups… or them doing their chores!).

Chasing the rewarding new life you want will take its fair share of hard work, sweat and probably even tears. Okay, maybe even blood too if your DIY skills aren’t quite up to scratch. If this hasn’t put you off, that’s a great starting point!

In the hopes of making this process even the slightest bit easier for anyone else looking to take the plunge, I have put together a set of questions to ask yourself, as well as a few scenarios you’re likely to experience that will hopefully help you understand in greater clarity why it is you want to take this next step, and how you’re going to get there.

So, where do you start?

Where to begin?

Get Real!

Not always what you want to hear, but an incredibly important step that will allow you to save yourself a whole heap of time and money for so many reasons.

Here’s a simple set of questions to ask yourself before taking the plunge into vanlife, and all the time, effort and commitment that comes with it – and I mean, REALLY sit down and ask yourself these questions with no distractions, and write your answers down – keep it honest!

Handwritten notes are such a help if you want to come back and compare your thoughts and feelings about vanlife down the line to see how things have changed, and if you’re any closer to the dream, overall allowing you to reflect in a different way than just mentally skimming over your 5 starter questions:

1. Can I Cope with Downsizing?

Unless you’re already in a very small accommodation, your new van or vehicle home is almost certainly going to be a step down in size, even with the large, panel van builds that are front and centre of the conversion community at the moment. Your bed will likely take up the largest space (generally at the very back of your build, or your roof top tent), and clever, crafty storage options will quickly become your best friend – every inch of your new home counts, and you’ll either come to treasure or despise this.

Whether you go for an older style camper or vehicle, or something a little more modern, making use of every inch of space will become a key factor in your new way of living

You’ll have limited space to store your clothes, shoes, food and all other key supplies, which generally means that being cluttered and unorganised is entirely out of the question! Some people LOVE a busy space, but part of the pull to vanlife for many is the reduction in ‘needs’ and ‘wants’, as well as the fact that there’s actually not space for things that are not necessary. Not to mention the weight limit on your new home on wheels – overload your new home, and you’re looking at 7.5 tonne lessons and a test to legally drive it!

However, it’s easy to forget that you’re not just foregoing a large home or bedroom for the very sake of it – you’re exchanging extra indoor space for the entire world which will now welcome you beyond your door, and it’s hard to complain about a smaller (but totally liveable!) space when you’ve got coastal or mountain views for a back garden.

Are you willing to make this trade a reality, long-term?

2. Am I Willing To Plan?

One big regret that seems to pop up amongst the community is putting a van together without much thought into a) how the layout and installations will hold up under the test of time, and b) how their van design compliments their current lifestyle, and the lifestyle they’re preparing for down the line.

Attempting to finish it as quickly as possible and with a tiny budget (both of which are very possible, depending on what you’re happy to forego or add on later) in the hopes of getting out on the road ASAP can be incredibly tempting…believe me, I completely understand! However, you can quickly fall into the trap of speed and cost over a quality build that will keep you healthy and on the road for far longer, and with more peace of mind.

Short-term travels are wonderful, but if it comes at the detriment of your build’s longevity and your patience, perhaps it’s worth waiting even a few months longer.

So, it’s incredibly important to get real early on regarding your hopes, budget, vision, skills and available time before you commit!

3. Am I Willing To Sacrifice?

Any significant change of lifestyle can require some level of sacrifice…but vanlife can be a very different ball game.

“Yeah, like I didn’t know already!” I’m sure you’re cursing. But if you’re more inclined to the nightlife, things more on the luxury side, the latest brands and maybe even splurging on stuff, you may find yourself having to give up a whole lot.

However, I must add that all of these ways of living are also completely possible and accessible while living in a van if your means allow, and many people manage to make it work…so if this is a big concern for you, don’t rule van dwelling out just yet!

Sacrifice can also come in the form of missing big events and even sometimes family occasions if you’re far off in your travels, and although it’s a bittersweet feeling, it makes the time you get to spend with your loved ones even more incredible.

Plus, don’t forget about everything you’ll gain in return from your new lifestyle.

4. Am I Prepared to Live with the Seasons?

Living in a van, you can’t fight the changing seasons in the same way you generally can in a standard home, so it’s important to learn how to embrace them for all their joys, challenges and extreme moments – or at least, knowing what to do in extreme situations! But don’t let this scare you – preparation goes a hell of a long way.

With diesel heaters and high tech ventilation on the rise- and so many modern options now popping up all the time-living with the seasons in our day and age feels less like an actual fight against the elements and more of an inconvenience at times. However, comfort will take on a new form, and bundling up under blankets or extra layers will often feel like the easiest choice. Although, being better for the environment and your wallet, what’s not to love?

At the end of the day, many vanlifers find that their life on the road ebbs and flows along with the changes in season and climate - there's no shame in hiring out hotels or stopping off in a favourite place for a long while.

5. Am I Happier Outdoors than In?

Whether it’s as extreme as feeing cooped up and restless all the time at home or work or you simply crave a little extra time out in nature, a living-converted or weekend warrior van could be just the cure you’ve been seeking!

Personally, I really tend to struggle with having to stay indoors for lengthy periods of time e.g. working in an office environment, and I’m forever finding ‘excuses’ to get outside in my spare time. Living in a van is obviously a much closer connection to the natural world for most people, and will be something you enjoy if you come back from long hikes and outdoor adventures feeling refreshed and energised.

This is a love that can be acquired, too!

Where to Next?

Don’t feel disheartened if your answers to any of these questions are sounding a little less than ideal-they’re just here to help you begin thinking about your plans and hopes for vanlife, and are by no means the only key points!

At the end of the day, only you can have a sense of how you’ll get on with this new lifestyle, and this is absolutely one of those things you can’t know for sure without trying first. So, hire a similar van, take it out for a long weekend or week and use it in the same way you would hope to live in it, keeping an open mind, and learn along the way.

You can learn something from every step of this new experience…enjoy the ride!

P.S. A key piece of kit which I was lucky enough to come across last year is the wonderful Van Conversion Bible by the lovely people at @climbingvan – their book, social media platforms and website are incredibly helpful!

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