A Scottish Western Paradise

A Scottish Western Paradise

When Scotland comes to mind, it’s unlikely that western riding and ranch-style locations will be front and centre, and for good reason…they’re still a rarity here in the UK!

That’s why it was such a privilege to find our very own piece of Western paradise during a trip to the Scottish Highlands in July and August of 2021 at the stunning Lunga Riding Stables, in Craobh Haven (Lochgilphead, Argyll). After hearing of the existence of such a place, I knew I simply couldn’t head back to England without a visit.

But First…

I’ll admit, it was quite the relief just making it to the riding centre, as the journey there felt cursed from the get-go… 5 minutes after setting off from our log cabin on Loch Awe, I came head to head with a timber truck.

Yep…one of those bad boys

Nothing out of the ordinary in the highlands, right? Until the driver realised maybe he should have slowed down sooner than he did as he spotted my tiny blue Corsa (which I owned at the time – it got me out of many a scrape!) coming up the winding, single-file road at the last second and slammed his brakes on.

Which wouldn’t usually have posed a problem. But I found out the hard way, with multiple, full-length logs hurtling at my windscreen, that maybe those things aren’t as secure as you would imagine!

With a brief moment of my Corsa living out all its off-roading dreams (this one will be explained at some point…), I veered off the road, into the outskirts of a forest, and watched in awe as those same logs slammed into the very spot I’d just been sitting.

The views certainly made up for it

I counted a good 5 seconds between one end of the log and the other hitting the ground, and the sound… I realised there and then that I’d dodged a bullet. Yet, it came to an abrupt end with a look between us of “we’ll never speak of this" and I was back on my merry way up to Lunga, knowing that things could only go up from there.

And So the Fun Begins

I messaged the fantastic Trish a few days before I was hoping to book onto a trail ride, and was asked about my riding ability before quickly being placed into a group. As I fell in love with Western riding at the beginning of 2021, I specified that I would prefer to ride in that style, especially as their website excitedly states you have the freedom to choose.

I was partnered up with a dual-trained Appaloosa gelding, meaning he could be ridden with the cues (the technique with which you guide the horse using leg, hands, seat and voice) of both the Western and English styles. It was great getting to experience another breed as, although I had so come to love the Quarter horses that I am used to riding in the South of England, it's always worthwhile getting familiar with others.

One thing’s for sure, Appaloosas aren’t known as the 4x4s and armchairs of the horse world for nothing: these instantly recognisable ranch-bred horses eat mountainous terrain for breakfast, and it’s safe to say I have even more of a soft spot for them now.

Awe-Inspiring Views

The moment we set out, we were welcomed by the stunning Scottish landscape and beautifully changeable weather. Being so used to the flat landscape in the south of England, it was a great experience trotting up overgrown paths and hills of ferns, ducking and weaving through thick forests, gravel and stone.

Reaching the top, I realised I was surrounded by rolling hills, mountains and fir trees as far as the eye could see. The photos unfortunately don't do it justice due to the phone I had with me at the time, but the sheer scale of the area and the winding route made the ride deeply relaxing and impactful.

Our trail ride lasted a couple of hours in total, during which we enjoyed some breath-taking ocean views over the isles of Jura and Scarba, and experienced many moments of feeling completely out of touch with the rest of the world. A heavy silence settled that can’t be fully explained without experiencing it for yourself – the clopping of hooves on old trails and the misty, peaceful atmosphere that comes with Scottish rain.

Trish led the trail ride, a group consisting of myself and three others, and did a wonderful job guiding us leisurely across the landscape, twisting through the plush woodland and old backroads, occasionally trotting and loping up hills.

You know an excellent tour guide when you meet one, and we were met with great energy, a love for life and a plethora of knowledge of the local area. Trish even offered to book me in on a one-on-one trail ride later in the week to explore and learn more about the history of the area. I unfortunately had to turn down the kind offer due to our busy schedule, but appreciated the selfless gesture all the same.

The Verdict Is In

I can absolutely recommend Lunga Riding Stables as a place that not only works with the ability level of their riders to form a well balanced group to ride out with (as any well-organised establishment should), but also taking on board your riding style preferences and making sure you have the ride of the lifetime on this lovely little island they call home!

I am thoroughly looking forward to the next time I am in the area as it’s definitely one of those places you want to go back and explore time and time again; however, you absorb so much in one ride that it would absolutely suffice if you only ever found yourself here once.

Not only do they run the two hour trail rides mentioned in this blog post, Lunga also hosts longer rides and pub rides for the more experienced, as well as riding lessons and other events. You can find more information and book rides through their site https://www.lungaridingstables.co.uk/ and find them on both Facebook and Instagram.

P.S I am in no way affiliated with or sponsored by Lunga Riding Stables – simply sharing this day I feel so lucky to have experienced, and bringing you all along for the ride!


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